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4 dietary changes to boost your fertility

Writer's picture: Kim LawlerKim Lawler

No matter if your only starting to think about trying for a baby or you are undergoing fertility treatment, your diet can make a difference. Below are 4 tips to think about implementing during your fertility journey. Do remember though not to make your diet another source of stress - you don't need to eat perfectly for optimal fertility, but you do need to consider your patterns.

  1. Limit take away and fast foods as much as practical. Studies have linked a longer time to conceive in those who consume fast food regularly. This is most likely due to intake of inflammatory fats in these foods that can affect egg & sperm quality and can also impact menstrual health. My recommendations would be to pack your own lunch when going to work, cook simple meals at home instead of ordering in & bring snacks or a picnic with you when your out for the day. If you have special events on (like birthdays or social catch ups) which is at a fast food restaurant, make the best choice you can & then relax - its what you do most of the time that counts.

  2. Eat to support stable blood sugar levels. Swings in blood sugar levels, both high and low are not desirable for fertility. These swings can impact ovulatory health. What are some of the biggest causes of blood sugar level swings? > Consuming added sugars E.g. lollies, soft drinks, juices, cookies, cakes, chocolate, pastries. > Skipping meals or going for long periods between meals without snacks. Don't ignore hunger or get to the point of being starving. > Inadequate protein intake - Protein stabilises blood sugar levels. Pair all of your meals & snacks with a good quality protein E.g. Nuts, seeds, eggs, cheese, fish, meat, chicken, nut butter.

  3. Boost intake of healthy fats. Healthy fats have positive effects on fertility by improving insulin sensitivity, maximising nutrient levels and lowering inflammation. This in turn improves both menstrual health (aka ovulation) and supports healthy eggs and sperm. What foods should you boost? > Oily fish E.g. Salmon, Trout > Avocados > Nuts & seeds > Organic free range eggs > Olive oil

4. Drink enough water.

This is so under looked. Water plays a role in so many of our bodies functions. One thing specific to fertility is that being hydrate can support healthy cervical mucus which has a very important role to take (and save) sperm to meet the descending egg. Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day (more if you have lost fluids during exercise or when there are hot temperatures).

The above points are general advice only, please get individualised advice for your own fertility journey. We wish you all the best.

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